How Ministry Happens at REAP

Prayer Walking
Prayer walking is one of our foundational Touchpoints. Going to neighborhoods nearby, we have the opportunity to meet individuals and families, get to know their struggles, and pray for them. We seek to building lasting relationships through the power of presence and prayer.

Young people are at risk where we serve. As there are few opportunities and many unhealthy distractions, our sports ministry provides an attractive option. Sports give us the opportunity to connect with youth in our community and invite them to smaller discipleship opportunities.

Dump Ministry
The city dump is not only a place of disposal and waste; it is a place of work for many men, women, and children. At the dump, people carefully sift through trash to find anything that can be recycled to generate income. We have the opportunity to visit several times a week, share a devotional and prayer, serve food, and build relationships.

Hospital Visits
Each week we visit the hospital in Granada and travel from room to room, listening to stories, pains, and hopes. We seek to show the love and compassion of Christ, and speak prayers of healing.

Our ministry is ever growing and so are the facilities at Campo de Cosecha. We building new dorms to host individuals who are part of camps, conferences, and missions teams. Construction is a way for us to reach people by providing jobs in a struggling economy. Those we hire become part of our REAP family as we share work, meals, and opportunity.

Bible Studies
Studying the Bible is foundational to learning about God and His plan for our lives. We offer frequent Bible studies as a way for people to come together to learn how to follow Christ and love each other. We’ve seen these studies impact not only the participants, but also their families and neighborhoods as they share what they are learning.

Community Center
The community center is located in an area that was once known as the most dangerous neighborhood in our community. Where violence, drugs, and fear once ruled, we now host games, classes, movies, and worship. A sense of peace, safety, and friendship now abides, giving us the opportunity to connect with more people closer to their homes.

Tamarindo Project
With the unemployment rate nearly 80% in Granada, we saw an opportunity to help single women learn entrepreneurial skills and earn a leaving. Tamarindo trees are native to Central America and produce a fruit that is used in recipes and herbal medicines. After the harvest of the tamarindo pods, the women learn to peel and prepare them to sell in the markets. We take the seeds from leftover tamarindos and use them to create jewelry, which provides work in the off season. Click HERE to earn more about the Tamarindo Project.
Our Ministry Base in Nicaragua